Connected learning leads to success


What do you wish to achieve ? How will you feel and see the result of the training ?

These are our two core questions prior to recommending the most suitable learning approach for your specific challenge.

We make sure that the learning experience isn’t a stand-alone event by paying attention to the following key points :

  • Is it clear for all participants what they can expect of this training/workshop ?
  • Does the training have an obvious connection with their day-to-day working reality?
  • Does the learning experience reflect the mission, values and customer base of your organisation ?
  • How do we ensure that the results of the training reach beyond the walls of the training room ?

Scroll down to find more details on how we do this.

Or click here to find examples on how we have helped our customers.

Our Approach

You actively involve your colleagues, managers and clients so they also experience the effect of the training.

Good intentions often remain just that : intentions. You give it a try but soon enough you fall back on your old habits. It is tough to make a change without support of your environment.

That is the reason why we make sure you involve colleagues, manager and customers in your action plan. They help you turn new insights into new behaviour. The success you achieve together, has a positive effect on the entire organisation.


We provide practical post-training support that you can keep using independently.

If you are like most people, it takes only a couple of weeks to forget what you’ve learned in a training. You remember one or two concepts, but how to bring them alive in your daily working environment is another story.

Indra Partners provides a toolkit with practical material that you can easily share with others. Our manuals, suggestions, checklists, tests and models are composed in a way that makes them easy to use independently.


Just like the trainings, we build this material based on the needs of your business and work situation.

Who needs knowledge that you can’t apply in the real world ? Examples and exercises that are far removed from your concrete work situation, miss their target.

With this in mind, we adapt each training to your professional environment and business needs. We get to know these beforehand. We visit your company and we listen to your customers. You provide the cases on which we base our exercises. We discuss in detail what it is that you want to achieve with your training and how you want to manifest this success.


Some result oriented tools and methods

All our workshops and business games are tailor made to each customer’s specific needs.
That is why we offer the type of tools and methods that are most effective for your learning goal.
Below, you can find some samples of tools we use, although they are by no means exhaustive.

The Team Barometer

We developed a brief inquiry based on “The five dysfunctions of a team” (Patrick Lencioni) .

Each team member fills out the inquiry separately. The results are immediately collected and discussed with the team. We shed light on important elements such as trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results-oriented behaviour. We see where the team stands right now and where they want to go.

The team barometer is a very effective tool to demonstrate where there are burning issues. We then work together to find strategies to book lasting results on the work floor.

The Team Manifesto

The Team Manifesto offers team members an opportunity to define exactly what they stand for : what makes them proud and how do they offer quality to their customers ?
The answers are written down so that they turn into shared agreements to which each team member can be held accountable.

We make sure that these agreements are concrete, applicable and adapted to the day-to-day reality of the team. The fact that the team members are the authors of their own Manifesto, turns them into ‘owners’.

This tool increases trust and stimulates a culture of open feedback.

Business Games

Business games are ideal to tackle sensitive topics.  They create a safe space to create awareness, bring touchy issues in the open, discuss feelings and solve conflicts. Competition, emotion and fun intensify how the participants experience their actions.

Team work is an essential ingredient of each of our games. In that way, participants get to know themselves and their colleagues better. It also gives them an opportunity to experience how working together leads to better results.

During the subsequent debrief, we make a clear link between the game and the daily reality of the participants.

Instant Influencing

Instant Influencing is a technique which stimulates someone to think about the reasons why (s)he would or would not want to do something.  Through pointed questions, you allow the person to express what is important for him/her while always leaving his/her options open.

Instant Influencing increases your impact without having to take on a directive role.  Like all of our techniques and methods, you can apply Instant Influencing as soon as you step out of the workshop/training.

The 8 fields model

The 8 fields model of Kessels and Smit is the one model we apply systematically when we develop our learning programs.

The model helps us and our customers to define a clear and concrete answer to the following questions :

  • What do you want to learn ?
  • Why do you want to learn it ?
  • What are you going to do with what you have learned ?

This model shows the picture of what the customer wishes to achieve and how (s)he will realise that. It ensures that the learning intervention effectively impacts your way of working.

Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is a simple and accessible model that uses colours to describe different personality types.

Your personal profile is always tailor made and sheds light on your personal preferences, strengths, weaknesses and ‘blind spots’.

We help team members to see individual differences as strengths.  Our practical exercises increase mutual understanding and respect. The result is a team in which all team members feel valued for who they are.

Click here to find examples on how we have helped our customers.

Full of energy and to the point


Our training modules are full of energy and to the point.

We stimulate your imagination with material that is visually appealing and with humor.

We keep it practical, realistic and relevant.

We guarantee sustainable results.

We help you to make the effect of a training visible : to yourself, your colleagues, managers and customers.

Have a look at these examples or contact us to  develop a program made to measure.

Connected learning leads to more engagement

Research shows that organisations that aim for a culture of engagement book 1,5 times more profit than their competitors.  Yet, only 12% of all employees world wide are engaged. (Gallup, State of the Global Workplace)

Our trainings, workshops and business games contribute to a highly engaged organisation.
Our Connection Method brings out meaning and purpose in your daily activities. It guarantees sustainable results and strengthens engagement.